Wineries & Distilleries

Tradition has never tasted so good

Come and raise a glass to Trentino’s superb winemakers and distilleries
The quality and variety of our wines and liqueurs surprise many visitors. But that’s because they didn’t realise how sunny our climate is, or how rich our soil. Fact is, this is a superb place to cultivate vines – and the best way to taste the end-product is to visit one of our many wineries.
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Trentino: a fabulous place to make wine

Trentino is a fabulous place to make wine - blessed with over 300 sunny days a year, as well as a sharp temperature gradient between its hot, dry days and cool, clear nights. It’s a region of almost infinite variety too: with every vineyard enjoying a different aspect, soil structure and micro-climate.

Indigenous grape varietes

It’s no wonder we have several indigenous grape varieties of our own – notably Nosiola, from the Valle dei Laghi and Val di Cembra, the young and fruity Marzemino from Vallagarina, and Teroldego, our big, tangy red which achieves its fullest potential on the Piana Rotaliana.

Other grape varietes

Several other grape varieties, while not indigenous, are extremely comfortable here. Müller Thurgau in particular, has been a great success in the Valle di Cembra, and produces white wines of extraordinary fragrance and freshness.

To get a proper understanding of the range and quality of our winemaking, you have to get out into the valleys and visit the wineries themselves. But if you’re pressed for time, there is one shortcut. In Trento, the Palazzo Roccabruna is home to our Wine Promotion Board, and its enoteca hosts wine tastings every Thursday and Saturday evening – designed to introduce oenophiles to some of the 500 Denominazione di Origine Controllata wines produced in Trentino.  

Palazzo Roccabruna
Palazzo Roccabruna
The best wine: Trentodoc
The best wine: Trentodoc
Istituto Agrario San Michele
Istituto Agrario San Michele all'Adige - Mach Foundation
Published on 18/10/2021