Super Nordic Skipass

Unlock our superb cross-country infrastructure with a single pass

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Super Nordic Skipass #1
Super Nordic Skipass #2
Super Nordic Skipass #3
Super Nordic Skipass #4
Super Nordic Skipass #5

The Super Nordic Skipass serves up 15 Nordic centres, and a wide range of pistes and landscapes

Now on sale for its 15th season, the Super Nordic Skipass brings together cross-country centres in Trentino and Veneto (plus one in Emilia Romagna) to provide an almost limitless amount of skiing. Passes can be bought weekly, or for a whole winter, and the season pass even offers free entry to two wellness centres; AcquaIN in Andalo, Lavarone Wellness in Lavarone and Millegocce at Malga Millegrobbe.

There’s an extraordinary variety of Nordic skiing on offer in Trentino. At Lago di Tesero, you can test your speed and stamina on the site of three World Championships, skiing 18km of trails which are regularly refreshed by snow cannons. Meanwhile, up on the Campo Carlo Magno, near Madonna di Campiglio, the pistes stretch beneath the western wall of the Brenta Dolomites, offering up a magnificent scenic backdrop as you ski. These and many more centres can be accessed on a single Super Nordic Skipass, which also offers skiing in Veneto and Emilia Romagna – creating the largest cross-country circuit in Italy.


The card can be purchased at any affiliated cross-country ski centre, and has a transponder keyring which provides access to all 15 centres in the scheme (10 centres are in Trentino).  It also includes free entry to children up to the age of 10. The card is personal and non-transferable.  Meanwhile, the Mini Nordic Skipass provides access to the ski centre that sold the card, and one other affiliated centre.
Published on 18/10/2021