Mystical places are waiting to be explored

Grant yourself the freedom to roam and rediscover your sense of the intimate and spiritual 

Evocative places, where you can rediscover your sense of the intimate and spiritual. These extraordinary locations, each with a hint of the mystical, offer more than a beautiful view: they have a story to tell you.

Here are 4 different itineraries, leading you to original destinations that will capture your imagination and linger in your thoughts.


The Thinking Christ

The beauty of Creation: from the natural balcony of Monte Castellazzo, you can see the most beautiful view of the majestic Pale di San Martino Group. The easy "Trekking del Cristo Pensante" [Hike of the Thinking Christ] will put you in contact with your most spiritual side, surrounded by nature.


Sanctuary of San Romedio

A voyage through time and the traditions of popular devotion: this is the sanctuary of San Romedio in Val di Non. Through a spectacular route carved in the rock, you will reach this rocky place, built on multiple levels, for centuries the destination of people asking for grace and bringing votive donations.


Irone, the ghost town

A group of farmsteads and chalets in the middle of the mountains. Irone - the town in the Central Giudicarie, wiped out by the plague in 1630 - is surrounded by many stories and fascinating legends. Walking through the lanes and the "chapel of the infected", listening the the tales of the few inhabitants.


Eremo San Colombano

This Hermitage set in stone dates back to the year 753. Legend has it that a man found this natural cave while seeking a place of refuge. It was used by the early monks as a place of meditation because of it being hard to reach.

Published on 26/11/2021