Cycling from Rovereto to Trento

A pollution-free option to visit two cities and get your fill of culture

Museums and places of culture can be reached by bicycle in the autumn
what to do in Trento in two
Enjoying culture on two wheels
Enjoying culture on two wheels

A 25-kilometre cycle path connects Trento to Rovereto: an easy route that runs near the river Adige and since ancient times was the bridging point and crossroads of travellers, goods and intellectuals searching for the world north (or south) of the Alps.

If you choose to follow in the footsteps of those who came down to Italy from the North and found in Trentino the first access point to strongly desired classical culture, caressed by milder climates, like that of our Lake Garda, you could start your tour in Trento with a visit to Castello Buonconsiglio, where you can enjoy an excellent view of the old town centre and be enchanted by the perfectly preserved late-medieval ambience. You could also immerse yourself in discovering the MUSE (Science Museum designed by Renzo Piano) and its modern architecture. The museum also has an interesting real ice core.

If you wish to leave from Rovereto, you can visit the MART before jumping on your bike: the museum is home to one of the largest collections of modern and contemporary art at international level, but you can also enjoy temporary events and initiatives that are held alongside the permanent exhibitions.

The itinerary, regardless of the direction you chose, runs slowly amongst vineyards, wine cellars and castles, passing from one side of the river to the other, along the ancient via Claudia Augusta. Take your time and stop at the Bici-grill (refreshment point) in Trento or Nomi to relax, feel the river breeze and perhaps enjoy a lunch or quick break with a good cappuccino and a slice of apple pie.

For the return trip, if you feel tired or don’t want to cycle anymore, choose a train with bicycle transportation that will take you back to the town you departed from.  Other benefits? The Trentino Guest Card, which allows you to enter all museums and castles free of charge, travel free on local transport and use other facilities too!

PS: If you plan to do this trip or return to Rovereto in the late afternoon, be careful of the Garda Ora wind! This wind, which blows from south to north, could make your trip more tiring.

Where to stay? Choose an agritourism for your eco-friendly holiday

Published on 27/11/2021