5 important tips for climbers

How to experience the mountains following the advice of those who love and know them

Caution! A word that the women and men who live and work in the mountains and for the mountains take to heart. It encapsulates all the love for and knowledge of an environment that needs to be approached and discovered cautiously and consciously.

Hence, the S.A.T. (Trentino Mountaineers Society) Mountain Hut Association, the Alpine Rescue and the Trentino Alpine Guides jointly created the ‘Caution in the mountains’ project, which on 12 June concretised in an opening day dedicated to caution, with training sessions conducted in a variety of mountain huts in Trentino.

They have also created practical handbooks to read and learn in no time: 5 tips for trekking, via ferratas, climbing and high altitude activities.

The following 5 tips are addressed to those who want to go up high for climbing.

Valli Giudicarie - Val D'ambiez - Dolomiti di Brenta - La Via delle Normali - Arrampicata | © Daniela Lira

1. Craigs are unique environments: respect them!

Always approach the mountain with head and heart, respect the environment and leave no waste in your path


2. Learn to use the materials provided

Read well the technical characteristics of the equipment supplied and learn how to use it. Also remember to always wear a helmet


3. Before starting, always perform a partner check

Mutual checks between climber and belayer are essential! Always tie a knot at the end of the rope, choose a climbing route of an appropriate grade and make sure you have an adequate number of quickdraws


4. Communication in climbing is essential!

Once you have secured yourself, give your partner full attention with simple and clear instructions


5. Check the wear of stops and anchors

Check that the anchoring points on the wall are in good condition and, before roping, carefully evaluate the conditions of the snap hook when parked

Caution in the mountains: advice for climbers
Published on 25/07/2022