Trentino, your green holiday

Discovering the environmental heritage of the territory, between Nature Parks and protected areas

In pursuit of broad landscapes, pale colours, and timeless atmospheres. For those who want to experience the mountain "slowly", the protected areas propose fascinating offers: guided walks, snowshoe excursions, exciting explorations and open air adventures.

But where? In the Paneveggio Pale di San Martino Nature Park, for example, which offers walks in the fairytale atmosphere of the "Violin Forest" of Paneveggio. The Stelvio Trentino National Park offers many snowy routes through woods and pastures in the Peio and Rabbi valleys. Winter emotions also await you in the Adamello Brenta Nature Park, where it is possible to discover how nature only appears to be sleeping, in a landscape designed by the magic and the light effects of the environment.

Adamello Brenta Nature Park

Adamello Brenta Nature Park

The biodiversity park

Paneveggio-Pale di San Martino Nature Park

Paneveggio-Pale di San Martino Nature Park

The Park of Violins

Stelvio National Park

Stelvio National Park

Untouched nature

The Sounding Forest

The Sounding Forest

The Sounding Forest che suona project involves musicians and visitors...