Case Cazuffi - Rella
Casa Cazuffi and Casa Rella - two painted Medieval houses overlooking Piazza Duomo in Trento
Supported by the solid pillars of the portico of Piazza Duomo, the two houses are characterized by a complex cycle of 16th century paintings arranged on different levels.
On the left side the façade features characters and scenes from classical mythology, with Geryon and allegories of Fortune, Opportunity and Nemesis on the top, while Damocles at the table of tyrant Dionysius is depicted at the bottom. The right side illustrates the subjects of Virtue, Time, the Triumphs of Love, Apollo and Abundance.
The works ideally reach their climax in the Scale of Virtues and are explained by the scrolls in Latin, and can be considered a "book on morals" opened out to the square and inspired by the emblematic culture of the Renaissance.