Educa Immagine
6th Media literacy training
Three days of events and meetings to discuss cinema and media-related topics, to learn how to navigate the resources available to us, so to develop critical thinking.
“Educa Immagine”, the media literacy festival, explores the languages of cinema and medias, getting the whole community involved. During the festival, many special guests, experts in cinema, online communication and digital culture, along to other content creators, and artists, will offer valuable insights, and a moment to relfect on such themes.
Purpose of the festival: raising awareness and creating a new generation of citizens, provided with critical thinking and aware, capable of understanding the language of images and creating digital contents resposibly.
The festival is promoted by “Trentino Film Commission”, in cooperation with: MART, modern and contemporary art museum of Trento and Rovereto , municipality of Rovereto, University of Trento, organized by “Etropia”, “Fondazione Caritro”, and with “Cassa Rurale Alto Garda e Rovereto” contribution.
The initiative is realised within the framework of the National Plan Cinema and Images for Schools promoted by MiC and MIM.
Full programme coming shortly!
Watch here the video of the fifth edition!