Snowshoeing • Rovereto, Vallagarina, Altopiano di Brentonico
Walk in the woods above the “Polsa” area
Ring-tour towards the woods above “Polsa” area, on Brentonico Plateau
The eastern gate to the Brenta Dolomites.
Salire al Passo 5 Croci durante la stagione invernale con le...
Pleasant long excursion from Sicina, with a nice halfway stop at...
Wide round ring on the vast plateau of the Lessini Mountains
A marvelous loop of intermediate difficulty through Val Brenta and...
Il percorso attraversa boschi e pascoli innevati, offrendo vasti...
A challenging winter outing with snowshoes or backcountry skis that...
Questo itinerario si svolge interamente sul versante altoatesino...
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