The Viote Cross-country Ski School
Operative since 1979, it counts numerous instructors, of which three are acknowledged by the FISI (The Italian Winter Sports Federation), also specialized in teaching disabled persons. The School proposes ski excursions, skiing races at the end of the course, mini club and snow games (Vioteland), with lessons available also in English.
Contact & Directions
Scuola Italiana Sci Fondo Viote - Monte Bondone
Strada delle Caserme, 5
38123 Monte Bondone , Italia
38123 Monte Bondone , Italia
Weather Trento
T.Max in C.: 16°
T.Min in C.: 7°
Oct 08
T.Max in C.: 14°
T.Min in C.: 10°
Oct 09
T.Max in C.: 16°
T.Min in C.: 10°